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Walnut Kernel

Walnuts are rounded, single-seeded stone fruits of the walnut tree commonly used for the meat after fully ripening.  The shell encloses the kernel or meat, which is usually made up of two halves separated by a partition.

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Walnuts Kernels (Akhort Giri) comes with a delectable combination of health nutrients and unmistakable texture, and are commonly referred to as the ‘brain food’. Recent studies shows that walnuts are high in potassium, antioxidants and essential fats that can help improve blood cholestrol and diabetes.

Walnuts are rounded, single-seeded stone fruits of the walnut tree commonly used for the meat after fully ripening. Following full ripening, the removal of the husk reveals the wrinkly walnut shell, which is usually commercially found in two segments (three or four-segment shells can also form). The seed kernels – commonly available as shelled walnuts – are enclosed in a brown seed coat which contains antioxidants. The antioxidants protect the oil-rich seed from atmospheric oxygen, thereby preventin rancidity

Walnuts are late to grow leaves, typically not until more than halfway through the spring. They secrete chemicals into the soil to prevent competing vegetation from growing. Because of this, flowers or vegetable gardens should not be planted close to them.

  • Rich in Antioxidants.
  • Super Plant Source of Omega-3s. …
  • May Decrease Inflammation. …
  • Promotes a Healthy Gut. …
  • May Reduce Risk of Some Cancers. …
  • Supports Weight Control. …
  • May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes and Lower Your Risk. …
  • May Help Lower Blood Pressure.