Sago is a type of starch extracted from tropical palms like Metroxylon sagu.
It’s versatile and a primary source of carbs in some parts of the world.
Sago contains antioxidants and resistant starch and has been linked to many benefits, including improving risk factors for heart disease and enhancing exercise performance.
Sago is a type of starch extracted from the core of certain tropical palm stems.
Starches are complex carbs that consist of many connected glucose molecules. Glucose is a type of sugar that your body uses as an energy source.
Sago is mainly extracted from Metroxylon sagu, or sago palm, which is native to many parts of the world, including Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea.
The sago palm grows quickly and tolerates a wide variety of soils. A single sago palm can contain 220–1,760 pounds (100–800 kg) of starch