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Black Natural Seasame Seeds

Black sesame seeds are small, flat, oily seeds that grow in the fruit pods of the Sesamum indicum plant, which has been cultivated for thousands of years.

Sesame seeds grow in a variety of colors, including shades of black, brown, tan, gray, gold, and white.

Black sesame seeds are primarily produced in Asia, although they’re quickly gaining popularity around the world.

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Black sesame seeds are an especially rich source of macrominerals and trace minerals. Your body requires trace minerals only in small amounts, while macrominerals are required in larger quantities.

A higher intake of macrominerals like calcium and magnesm as associated with improved heart disease risk factors, particularly high blood pressure

Some of the trace minerals in black sesame seeds — in particular iron, copper, and manganese — are important for regulating your metabolism, cell functioning, and immune system, as well as the circulation of oxygen throughout your body, among other activities

Black sesame seeds  also known as kala til, is one of oldest condiments known to man. They are highly valued for their oil. “Open Sesame”- the famous phrase from the Arabian Nights symbolizes the distinguishing feature of the sesame seed pod, which bursts open when it reaches maturity. It may be a small seed but no doubt a very powerful one, used for many health-promoting and anti-ageing benefits. You can incorporate these nutrient-rich seeds in your cereals, rice, noodles or any other dishes at mealtime.